
Archive for October 1st, 2007


Well it is the start of October!!! and the Triathlon season is about to kick into gear with the Masters Games event next weekend. So choose today to start training if you haven’t started yet, set some goals for the month of October and the rest of your season NOW!!!

It was a great day today as we unveiled our new Mascot, which I like to call ROCKY but there is still some question as to his name. We had a fantastic BBQ and the opportunity to chat to some of the new members and some of the old ones.

Here are a couple of photos



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Hi, my name is Jo (incase you didn’t guess already). When I was in New Zealand last year I was amazed at the way the sport of triathlon was so popular for both males and females. I bought a popular woman’s magazine and inside was a special on training for your first triathlon – something which would be rare to find here. In there were average women and men giving it a go and achieving goals they never thought were possible.

This is where the idea of ‘Average Jo’ came about. This section is specifically to encourage those new to the sport; whether you are just trying to get fit, live a healthy lifestyle or achieve a competition goal. To see the Average Jo comments just click on the AVERAGE JO category on the right hand side of this screen!

The first triathlon I ever competed in was not what I expected. My impression of triathletes were a lot of people running around in very little clothing, highly toned bodies and an ‘air’ about them that showed me they were very serious about the sport. This was not what I saw. There were elite athletes there, who were buff in appearance, but they were friendly and admirable in the way the conducted themselves in races. Others had their mountain bikes and old sneakers to go around the course. They put on shorts and t-shirts after they got out of the water (not a particularly fast transition time)! There were also a number of competitors who were not the skinny and toned people I had expected. There were people aged from about 8 years of age to mid 70’s. After seeing this I realized triathlon was about achieving a goal and doing your best. Most people aim to compete against themselves and improve their own time each race. If they happen to beat a few other people in the process, bonus!

If you are interested in competing in your first triathlon or you would like to ask a question about anything to do with triathlons, please comment and someone will answer your questions – no question is silly!

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